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Welcome to the information page for the general public provided to you by Flotilla 10-13 US Coast Guard First District Southern Region

Joining The US Coast Guard Auxiliary

For information about joining our flotilla select the Membership button to the left.

Knots and How to tie them

New to boating or an old hand.  Being able to know the right knot to use for which occasion can keep eve the old hands scratching their heads.

Try This video link for some tips



Vessel Safety Checks

Free Vessel Safety Checks - Our team of trained certified vessel examiners are available to provide vessel safety checks to review with you all of the federal and state requirements for your boat as well as a short list of additional safety items we feel that every boat should have onboard.  Select the link to the left for more information.

Public Education

Flotilla 10-13 runs numerous boating safety and navigation classes throughout the year.  A boating safety course is required to operate a Personal Water Craft (PWC/Jet Ski) on non-tidal waters of New York and for ALL boaters operating a power driven vessel on non-tidal waters in the state of New Jersey.  For information click the Public Education button to the left.  Or to fins a boating safety class near you click on this link

Float Plans

Going on a trip with your boat.  Filing a float plan with a friend or relative should be on your to-do list.  To see an example float plan go to the  Float Plan PDF document  and print it off

This plan should be filed with a friend or relative.  That person will contact the Coast Guard or local police if you do not return from your trip.  Do not try and file it directly with Police or Coast Guard.  

***IMPORTANT*** Be sure to contact your friend or relative when you return so a SAR (Search and Rescue) is not launched by the authorities thinking you are missing/overdue.

Boating in other States

For information on boating laws for other states as well as NY & NJ try this  site supported by BoatU.S. (not officially endorsed by the US Coast Guard or US Coast Guard Auxiliary).  For most current information on boating safety law in any state visit that state's official web site.  Usually under the department of State Police or a separate State Marine Safety unit.


Recalls - Want to know when your boat gets a recall notice from the manufacture.  Owner records are sometimes incomplete and marine manufacturers may not be able to contact you with important safety information. The coast guard recall site is at this link.

Are You Ready

Are you ready for the next emergency (natural or man made) in your area.  Take a look at the Department of Homeland Security America Ready Campaign site at for tips and steps you can take to be ready.